Social Information Processing Theory-Summary

Social Information Processing Theory
The Social Information Processing Theory of Joseph Walther focuses on communication process/es in the context of cyberspace. (cyberspace-the notional environment in which communication over computer network occurs.)
Walther believes that relationships grow through exchange of information between communicators. The SIP is undeviating with the social penetration theory, the only differences is in SIP communication is mediated by communication(CMC) and there is no physical context (facial expressions, tone of voice, interpersonal distance, body position, distance, appearance, gestures, touch and smell) involved. However, even if physical context is absent, this does not hinder the communicators to make relational developments.
2 Features of CMC that justifies the Social Information Processing Theory:
1. Verbal Cues
CMC users can make fully formed impression through what is available, that is-linguistic content of the computer mediated messages (emails, instant messages, text messages). For example, you are chatting with a total stranger over the internet, now, this stranger gave an intellectual-sounding conversation with you, since this person gave you that kind of conversation, you will think that this person really is that intelligent, based solely on what you talked about and the kind of language he/she used.
2. Extended Time

Since there is the absence of nonverbal cues, CMC users rely only on the text-based messages. As they exchange information about themselves, they then realize their similarities and start expressing affection in their messages.
It is through CMC that humans are able to look for people whom they believe are like them. And when they find people who have many similarities with them, they tend to build a relationship with them and slowly make disclosures. On the other hand, CMC users would tend to make and sustain a positive impression and try to talk about their best attributes(selective self-presentation). Also, CMC users would be very careful of the things(messages,comments,answers, and questions) they send to each other and try to be friendly and to save face.
CMC users who are really motivated to create a growing relationship with other CMC users would have to synchronize their times in order to have their interaction. However, computer communication provides communicators to interact, without having to attend to each other at the same time. And this is one of its great advantages over face-to-face communication.
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